April, 2023


4h 25m

Finished all the challenges in Ancient Gardens, obviously these are all the easier challenges in the game but both 'Quantum Leap' and 'Once Bitten, Twice Shy' required slightly more thought (and levelling).

Received my first 'good' rating tarnishing my perfect record...it was the 'Gatecrashers' level where you fight Blizzy & Sandy. Annoyingly, if I had just better positioned Rabbid Peach to not get dashed into; he...she...they...it? would've survived. My victory is rewarded with another member to the team: 'Rabbid Mario'. His AoE dash can be a liability at times but I'll forgive purely for the shotgun and raw damage he can inflict. Also, Rabbid Luigi's 'Vampiric Dash' ability is absolutely busted once you invest some power orbs.

Bowser Jr caught me off guard with his "Daddy issues to repress" line; I cracked a smile.